Donkey Kong

DONKEY KONG Jungle Climber

Like the Super Mario Bros., this old arcade favourite is still alive and bouncing well into the 21st century, the original Mario nemesis ape villain now more lovable and adapts with new technology and gaming systems.

This DS game takes all of the Donkey Kong platform basics and expands it into an island adventure. With your main aim being banana (and of course coin & jewel) collecting, it is the territory, obstacles and maneuvers where these activities add gaming value. With running and jumping a staple in a game like this (around beach areas, caves, cliffs, the jungle canopy), here you also get to swing on pegs stuck in wooden walls, shoot barrels, and by landing on giant flowers, get to rock on them and get flicked to inaccessible areas. The peg function takes some getting used to in that on holding with Kong’s right hand, he’ll rotate clockwise, with the left spinning anti-clockwise – the climbing action is effected by pressing your L & R buttons each time you want him to grab a peg. On swinging in a circle you can let go to travel some distance through the air.

You can carry Diddy on your back and launch him to attack enemies. DK coins allow for unlocking cheats, while the collection of a targeted amount of oil barrels will make it possible for Funky Kong to fly you to Sun Sun Island.

Cranky teaches you the ropes, with how-to lectures also available.
6 mini gaming challenges include Rolling Panic, Banana Grab, and Speed Climb.

With many hours of fun to be had, you can also include up to 4 vs. players to go up against each other.

4 / B
- Paul Blom


6 - Volcanic
5 - Blistering
4 - Hot
3 - Smolder
2 - Room Temp.
1 - Fizzled
0 - Extinguished

A:Long Term Shelf Life
B:Deserves Another Play
C:Once Should Suffice

© 2008 - Flamedrop Productions