Seeing the recent Tim Burton version of this Roald Dahl tale is not a prerequisite to enjoy its game tie-in. But if you have, you can take the experience one step further and partake in the sugary madness. Charlie, his granddad and a selection of other brats (like Veruca and Augustus) together with their guardians won limited golden tickets to visit Willie Wonka's secretive sweet factory, the first time something like this has ever been allowed. It boils down to a series of expanding fun games aimed at the younger player as the tale progresses. Willie Wonka's weird world is a colourful place filled with surprises. If you hadn't seen the film, but read the book, you may find it an entirely different experience. And if for some reason the book never passed before your eyes, it's a whole new wacky Wonka world waiting for you.

3 / B
- PB

1 2 3 4 5 6
A - B
- C

all reviews by paul blom
(unless stated otherwise)

6 - Volcanic
5 - Blistering
4 - Hot
3 - Smolder
2 - Room Temp.
1 - Fizzled
0 - Extinguished

A:Long Term Shelf Life
B:Deserves Another Play
C:Once Should Suffice

© Flamedrop Productions 2001-2006