Across three games
Ratchet & Clank have saved the universe. Here Ratchet is kidnapped by Pox, a nasty TV boss broadcasting Dread Zone - an illegal gladiator-style programme where contestants fight to the death in armoured suits. Captain Starshield is only one of the many killed on the show. Ratchet and his pals get transported to Pox's secret hideout in the shadow sector, the lawless end of space where the preparation begins with Al as tech support. You try to stay alive through a range of crazy opponents, robots and dangerous terrain, to get out the other side and kick Pox's ass! Luckily your range of deadly weapons comes in handy - like the other Ratchet & Clank games, these are available at the vending machines. Ace Hardlight is the star of the show, and contestants have explosive collars attached to avoid escape. You can go at alone, co-operatively or as multi-players with on-line compatibility. Difficulty settings range from Couch Potato and Contestant to Gladiator and Hero.

3 / B
- PB

1 2 3 4 5 6
A -
B - C

click below for more Ratchet & Clank

all reviews by paul blom
(unless stated otherwise)

6 - Volcanic
5 - Blistering
4 - Hot
3 - Smolder
2 - Room Temp.
1 - Fizzled
0 - Extinguished

A:Long Term Shelf Life
B:Deserves Another Play
C:Once Should Suffice

© Flamedrop Productions 2001-2006