As times change and technology innovates, the entertainment possibilities open wider each time. Even traditional timeless games make their way into the digital realm.

What makes this quiz game so much fun is the fact that up to 8 players can plug in and compete, with five question categories including movies, music, sport & lifestyle. You get to pick a character, select their wardrobe and take on the 5000+ questions in a variety of fun categories which allows basic quick-fire rounds, answering questions based on video clips, stealing points from your opponents by answering first, or pelting the other contestants with pies when you beat them to the right answer. And of course, the entire glitzy virtual studio set is run by your muppet-headed wise-cracking host, Buzz.

If the vast amount of questions eventually start repeating, you can download extra quiz packs, or even create your own and share it on! Teams can compete on-line with other players from around the world.

Those familiar with this super-fun quiz game via the PS2, and upgraded to the PS3, will be glad to know that you now get 4 cordless buzzers with the game! I know from experience how the original corded controls got tangled.

I’m afraid the end of the traditional Trivial Pursuit board game may be on the horizon…

5 / A
- Paul Blom


6 - Volcanic
5 - Blistering
4 - Hot
3 - Smolder
2 - Room Temp.
1 - Fizzled
0 - Extinguished

A - Multiple Playing Prospects
B - Can be taken for another Run
C - Once Should Suffice

© 2009 - Flamedrop Productions