Little Big Planet 2

LittleBigPlanet 2

And after all the more intense gaming titles, something more tranquil, relaxed and non-threatening all-ages fun will do.

The craft-style cardboard, fabric and sticker world of Sackboy's LittleBigPlanet is a colourful, texture filled platform universe of imagination, loaded with all the elements you'd expect from the genre and fun puzzle solving entertainment and sub-games, all with a fantastic visual style.
What makes this so much more expansive is its ever-growing community of shared user-created content (which is pushing 4 million playable levels in the LBP2 community section). Check out via your PlayStation Network.

Here DaVinci and The Alliance saves Sackboy from the Negativitron, and with his Pod you control his travels and level completion.

The producers make full use of the controls including the Sixaxis motion control, and in addition your character's physical abilities, emotional and personality expressions can also be displayed. It's not just a case of selecting Sackboy's look, but gamers become a part of it by creating content.

Admittedly I haven't experiencing the original version - but, all of the combined elements of this engrossing and in-depth experience has been improved for this second installment of this unique and out of the ordinary game.
Downloadable content from the first game can also be used with this sequel, and additional story levels are also available as downloadable packs. The makers plan to continue making new content available.

And it goes a step further with the incorporation of the PlayStation Move controls for more immersion.

3 / B
- Paul Blom


6 - Volcanic
5 - Blistering
4 - Hot
3 - Smolder
2 - Room Temp.
1 - Fizzled
0 - Extinguished

A - Multiple Playing Prospects
B - Can be taken for another Run
C - Once Should Suffice

© 2013 - Flamedrop Productions