Lost Planet 2

In this sequel, the setting is still the planet E.D.N. III, only, it's a decade later. 
This third-person shooter takes the player to a strange world with a lot of action and things to blow up, but also mission objectives, with Snow Pirates, Mercenaries, Carpet Baggers, NEVEC troops, and of course the Akrid monsters. 

Thermal Energy (aka T-ENG) is collected to survive, and can be shot at teammates to replenish them, or get used to perform special functions like opening special containers. 
Data posts need to get activated - these spots are where you respawn when you're wiped out (ie. save locations). Battle armour is essential, and Harmonizer regenerates you.  (With enough credits) you can customize characters and upgrade your arsenal of machine guns, long range weapons, hand-, gum-, disc-, dummy- and plasma grenades, your shield etc.
There are also 8 emoting types. 

Training should not be skipped (especially if this is your first Lost Planet encounter) - it is quite intensive in various hovering metallic monolithic areas with many things to learn, including using your footing, a range of high powered weaponry and granades, jet packs, utilizing vehicles, using Vital Suits (mech-style bi-ped armoured exoskeletons), flying machines and more.

You can hit the Internet for on-line Versus games, and additional downloadable content can also be purchased.

3 / B
- Paul Blom


6 - Volcanic
5 - Blistering
4 - Hot
3 - Smolder
2 - Room Temp.
1 - Fizzled
0 - Extinguished

A - Multiple Playing Prospects
B - Can be taken for another Run
C - Once Should Suffice

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