
NOW That's What I Call Music - The DVD

Music on VHS was never as readily available as it is today on DVD, even obscure Afrikaans artists pop up with one. The quicker access of tracks, the sound quality and durability of the DVD has become essential in our rapid demand information age. The Now That's What I Call Music pop compilations are a sure thing, and now you can get the visual equivalent (if you're not tired of many being rotated endlessly on the tube). Most videos on here come from the Now 40 compilation CD. The 23 vids include
Backstreet Boys, Gwen Stefani, Coldplay, Akon, Bodyrockers, Natalie Imbruglia, Mario, Jay Sean, Gorillaz, Will Smith, Blue, Usher, and Avril Lavigne (with a different track to the CD). Tracks on the CD that are not on the DVD include Lebo, Westlife, Maroon5, Black Eyed Peas, Freshly Ground, and Nelly & Tim McGraw. Other songs not on the CD, but on the DVD, include 3 Doors Down, Chemical Bros., Britney Spears, Bowling For Soup, Ciara, Shapeshifters, The Lovefreekz, and Beverly Knight. A fun viewing for those who don't demand too much of their music and is fine with discarding it when the next compilation comes around - but some songs will inevitably stick to become a part of their life's memories.

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