Since the early '80s the
Red Hot Chili Peppers put a spin on the standard Hard Rock trip by funking it up real good. Flea, Anthony, Chad and John had been through all of the ups and downs that the Rock lifestyle can throw at you, often stopping short of not surviving. With personal turmoil of no concern when it comes to the music, the tracks culled from their explosive career represent their energy, extreme vibe and musical chemistry brilliantly. The songs on here only goes back to '89 (their Stevie Wonder cover Higher Ground). Early tracks like Show Me Your Soul, Fight Like A Brave, Catholic Schoolgirls Rule, Fire and Real Men Don't Kill Coyotes are not present. You can pick them up on the What Hits? DVD, though. Only one track from the period when guitarist John was not in the band (replaced by Dave Navarro from Jane's Addiction) made it to this collection, a more acoustically driven Friends. The rest come from albums like Blood Sugar Sex Magic, Californication and By The Way. They include killer tracks like the last two mentioned albums' title tracks, Under The Bridge, Give It Away, Scar Tissue, Other Side, Suck My Kiss and Breaking The Girl. This manic bunch of friends is not only passionate in their musical pursuits, but groundbreaking without even trying. They're true naturals and total showmen to boot - inhibitions never very high on the list. With their L.A. air, tattoos and shirtless Venice Beach demeanour, these funk-rockers cast their names in rock history. This couldn't just be a straight Best Of - they throw in two brand new tracks recorded this year (2003) to get the fans flipping (Fortune Faded and Save The Population - totally RHCP). The cover depicts a kissing machine from the Hollywood Entertainment Museum. Each member (except for some reason vocalist Anthony) writes a piece in the sleeve from their perspective.

6 / A
- PB


6 - Volcanic
5 - Blistering
4 - Hot
3 - Smolder
2 - Room Temp.
1 - Fizzled
0 - Extinguished

- Multiple Listening
- Deserves Another Spin
- Once Should Suffice