If you like your female artists' music somewhere between
Tori Amos and Dido, then Sarah McLachlan may be your cup of tea. If you haven't heard from her before, this is not exactly her first outing. The lovely voice and emotional tones projected by McLachlan make for an immersive audio experience which, in the case of Afterglow have very somber tendencies in the realm of love, the loss of it and being the cause of its crumbling, self-blame and regret featuring strongly. Within this sometimes sad and even bitter experience, the beauty of its delivery and flow divert from its serious, downcast core.

5 / B
- PB


6 - Volcanic
5 - Blistering
4 - Hot
3 - Smolder
2 - Room Temp.
1 - Fizzled
0 - Extinguished

A:Multiple Listening Potential
B:Deserves Another Spin
C:Once Should Suffice

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