
It is a technologically advanced future (around 2031).  As Jim, a rogue agent team member (assisted by Rebecca), you have to crack a high profile conspiracy (with corporate nasties at its core).

The undercover world of action adventure with a tech-angle remains popular, and what this third-person shooter offers the gamer is to literally step out of their shell and hack into other characters, bystanders, vehicles, even weakened enemies, to control them in the task of accomplishing your mission objectives, steering their actions or turning them to fight on your side.  Your enemies expand from mere human soldiers to killer drones and hybrid attackers. 

But, your hacking abilities can get a dose of its own medicine while on-line, where other gamers can “hack” into your game (and vice versa) for multi-player showdowns as enemies or compatriots. 

Gamers annoyed by controls with a bit of a learning curve to perfect (and responsiveness flaws) could get phased.  But this should please you if you’re happy with some visual flash enabling you to let rip with some virtual shooting (wrapped around a plot of little consequence in the greater scheme of having a blast), its cover-based system unfortunately not always delivering as expected.

3 / C
- Paul Blom


6 - Volcanic
5 - Blistering
4 - Hot
3 - Smolder
2 - Room Temp.
1 - Fizzled
0 - Extinguished

A - Multiple Playing Prospects
B - Can be taken for another Run
C - Once Should Suffice

© 2013 - Flamedrop Productions