PANDORA'S TOWER In this war torn mystical fantasy world set in the land of Imperia (and the Wastelands of Okanos), a young girl (Elena) is cursed after she is chosen to sing at the harvest festival (which is slowly turning her into a monster). Together with her beloved Aeron, the old mystic Mavda takes them to an enormous metal structure suspended by gigantic chains in the middle of a scar in the earth (preventing the hole from further ripping the land apart). In these towers Aeron has to find various beasts and collect their flesh with a special chain (known as Oraclos). Taking this pretty gruesome prospect further, these chunks have to be brought back to Elena, and she has to eat this foul flesh to keep the curse at bay and prevent a total hideous transformation (but coming from a vegan race, this proves difficult). You have to explore these deserted towers, break chests and collect, coins, potions and magical items. I feared a turn-based fighting technique when accosting the variety of beasts, but thankfully you engage in sword attacks with a special move to strip the flesh from the beasts with your chain. If you grab the Limited Edition set, you'll get a hardcover art book as well as a lovely metal case to house your disc. This exclusive Wii title is reminiscent of Final Fantasy in many ways, and may appeal to fans of that series. 3 / B |
5 - Blistering 4 - Hot 3 - Smolder 2 - Room Temp. 1 - Fizzled 0 - Extinguished |